Tsavala Iro 愛蘿:充滿情感才氣的希臘小女孩
" I decided to be an illustrator because of my love for books. Not only for the stories that make me dream and escape reality but also for the books as items, their design, their special kind of paper, even their smell. So as illustrator my first aim is to produce images that make people dream but don’t steal the meaning of the story, they just give my own vision of it.. And I am very interested in the final composition of the books because as I love well made books I also want the books in which I participate to be well made and special. When I read a story I imagine a whole world and later I try to draw my images keeping this atmosphere. So I guess the atmosphere of the story is the first thing that inspires me. Then I work in my sketchbook and I make many drawings of the images that I have in my head, I only pick in the end the one that is closer to my imagined atmosphere. And I develop the colors and compositions gradually. Often it is difficult for other people to imagine how will be my final piece by looking at my rough sketches and that’s the reason I prefer to show the final image directly and look at the audience’s reactions. This moment is very important for me because I can understand if people can “travel” with my images as I did when I imagined them. The techniques I use are various. As my most preferred medium of working I have chosen silcscreen because it leaves me the freedom to combine my linear drawings with photographic material and flat strong colors. But I chose the technique according to the atmosphere that I think would suit the story. So I change materials and I chose different ways if I want to give a different feeling. I think it’s important to feel the atmosphere of the story and chose a medium according to this coz it helps me have new ideas with every new story and make something fresh and original. Often I make research, for example I look at other artist’s work form different areas, such as photography, sculpture, old paintings, animation and their different points of view also help me see my story from a different point of view and get inspired. During the process of researching for a new story I “discover” many artists whose work was not known to me very well and they become my favorite artists for that period..and then I find others and others and in this way I get more knowledge and I enrich my ideas. Among my favorites are the sketches of Andy Warhol, paintings by Chagall and old crafts form ancient Mexico and other cultures.At some point in the future I would like to create my own story with illustrations. The books I admire and enjoy reading very much are many such as The Little Prince, Momo, Alice in wonderland, Peter Pan, Tom Saywer and classic writers such as H.C. Andersen, The Brothers Grimm, also new artists with amazing picture books, simple but clever. So I guess the book I would like to create should have a simple story but clever and not simplistic…something with a “twist”. I hope some day I will do it, but for the moment I enjoy traveling through nice stories made by other people..and I enjoy giving my view on their stories." (小編男友不想替我翻譯,無奈小編認為英文跟希伯來語一樣困難,請各位讀者原諒小編,並詛咒小編的男友,讓他突然不會英文。)
