星期六, 4月 28, 2007

The giver


The background of this book is a Utopia community in the future. In this community, everything is controlled by the elders. They control the weather, childbirth, colors, and occupations. The leading role – Jonas is assigned to be the receiver of memory at the December ceremony when he is 12. Jonas’s responsibility is to take all memories to prevent the community collapse. During the job training, he needs to take all memories in the community by the giver, for example all sadness, the war, all loneness, love, happiness, colors, the sun, the snow, or anything will cause damage to the order of the community. At this moment, he finds everything is not as happy as he sees. He knows the truth, but he is not allowed to tell his friends, and his family. Even he tries to tell them the reality, no one believes him because others don’t have those memories in their life. Jonas is very frightened and he can’t live with knowing everything. He wants to change something. So he and the giver make the decision to try to change something. I like this book because all the action is tightly-knit and the outcome is opposite what I thought. This is also a little sad story.

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不空轉‧工作省時術 by 伊庭正康

這本書寫得很淺顯易懂,將精華歸納如下: 1. 工作有效率的三分法,將其分成跟績效有關的主要作業 、 附屬於主要作業的作業(如,開會)和無效作業,花時間在主要作業,減少花時間在附屬作業,不做、轉嫁或推延無效作業。若主要作業和附屬作業中有不影響績效部份,可找團體或同事協助,分擔loa...