星期四, 4月 19, 2007

Can you keep a secret ?

Sophia Kinsella is a British writer. In this novel, there are two protagonists – Emma and Jack. A man and a woman are in a story. You must think it is a romantic story, but it is not exactly so. It is to discuss telling truth is really a good way or not.

The story begins: when Emma takes a flight back to her home, there is an turbulence. Emma is a person who hates flight so that immediately thinks she is going to die. She suddenly confesses to a stranger next to her – Jack. She tells him all her secrets in her life. For example, how did Emma and her boy friend find out her G-spot? G-strings is uncomfortable to her. The time was when she lost her virginity. Or her association and her had a secret code which meant it was to skip the job and had a starbucks coffee. Her boss, her boy friend and her family…and so on.

At the end, she doesn’t die. But she find out Jack is her big boss and knows her all secrets. She is totally nervous and shocked. Following, she has to face the difficult circumstance. Of course, Jack is not a bad person; otherwise we won’t have this love story. But there are still some problems for them to solve to make their relationship stronger.

In reality, is “Honest” the best way for any kind of relationship, such as man and woman, family, friends or colleagues? Actually, I have no answer. Sometimes, it is really difficult to speak out our mind. Therefore, we decide to tell a good lie to our close family or friends. Meanwhile, we feel embarrassed and shamed ourselves. However, a truth is also a knife to cut the relationship. I am still not sure to be honest 100% is good or not after reading. Maybe I will try being honest 70% and good lies 30%.

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不空轉‧工作省時術 by 伊庭正康

這本書寫得很淺顯易懂,將精華歸納如下: 1. 工作有效率的三分法,將其分成跟績效有關的主要作業 、 附屬於主要作業的作業(如,開會)和無效作業,花時間在主要作業,減少花時間在附屬作業,不做、轉嫁或推延無效作業。若主要作業和附屬作業中有不影響績效部份,可找團體或同事協助,分擔loa...