星期四, 4月 12, 2007

The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella

Samantha Sweeting is a workaholic lawyer in Landon. Since she was twelve, she was trained hard to be a lawyer. Her family are all brilliant. Samantha gets a chance of a partnership; however, a vital error she made wrecks it. At that moment, she walks out of her office in London and goes to a town away from London. There she has a new life. A top lawyer first learns how to do housekeeping, like oven, stewing, baking a potato or ironing. She notices everything around her. She used to looking like a dread-up leaf, a husk. But at the end, she has blossomed. Samantha finally realizes what the most important thing is in her life.

After reading this novel, what kind of lifestyle is right or wrong? There is no absolute. However, life is a hard lesson. Most people do not get the meaning of their lives. For me, I am also still looking for the purpose of my life. Recently, a few people told me I should work hard to get a high position in working. Do I really have to do that? I just want to get a balance between life and work. Being myself and enjoy life. Is it so important to become a no substitute person in working? I have no idea yet. I will try to find out and complete myself as best as I can.

I enjoy reading Sophie Kinsella’s novels. They fulfill humorous, dramatic, and lifelike. She creates a picture of modern women’s life. She makes us feel happy, sad or frustrated. But we can also introspect ourselves at the same time. Look forward to her next book coming soon.

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不空轉‧工作省時術 by 伊庭正康

這本書寫得很淺顯易懂,將精華歸納如下: 1. 工作有效率的三分法,將其分成跟績效有關的主要作業 、 附屬於主要作業的作業(如,開會)和無效作業,花時間在主要作業,減少花時間在附屬作業,不做、轉嫁或推延無效作業。若主要作業和附屬作業中有不影響績效部份,可找團體或同事協助,分擔loa...